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Day 1 - Just 5 Minutes 5 Days to Eliminate your Knee Pain

Join me on my Youtube @shammiyogalaya, Monday to Friday, May 4-8, 2020 at 6 pm A simple 5 minutes regime practiced for just 5 days could go a long way in eliminating knee pain. Chronic knee pain seems to have become our best friend. A stubborn partner that refuses to leave our side and thus insistent on casting a dark shadow on us living our life to its fullest. The solution to this persistent problem is, surprisingly, very simple. My experience of many years as a yoga therapist has brought about a very clear understanding in this regard. The simplistic movements of an asana hide miraculous benefits. The only requirement is to follow a regime, diligently and conscientiously. This Day-1 video, the first of the series of 5, consists of simple movements that can be performed by anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Within just a few days of correct practice, one will experience great relief from not only knee pain but also from  back pain, achillies tendon, pronated feet, flat feet etc. This would also help strengthen arms, release tightness from the shoulder blades and upper back. Development of a strong core is an added benefit.  Also, each video has important tips from naturopathy and hydrotherapy to further speed up the recovery process.   Contraindication People with high BP, heart problem, balancing issues may perform this movement very carefully. Placing your hands on your waist can eliminate some of the discomfort, if felt at all.  Checkout my Yoga Videos on YouTube (Shammi's Yogalaya)

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Shammi Gupta, founder of Shammi’s Yogalaya holds an MA in Yoga Shastra, is a certified Yogic Therapist and Naturopath, has completed an Advanced Yoga Course and holds a Diploma in Yoga Education from Mumbai University. She is a certified trainer from American College of Sports Medicine and holds an MBA in HR & MBA in Finance from The University of Akron, Ohio, USA. She conducts Health Awareness Workshops for Corporate, Yogasana Workshops for Athletes and Yoga Therapy Workshops on different medical issues for patients. Among the celebrities Shammi trains are eminent personalities from the film and television industry and corporate world.

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